Friday, November 14, 2008

The Website Words

From the Words Group:

The Words group is in charge of who we are (a description of our class), our mission statement (what the purpose of our website it and why it's important), and a title for the website. By Friday (21st), please brainstorm a little bit - like we did in in the beginning of the semester in class about guidelines for the class - about what you think we should include in these three important aspects of our website. On Friday (21st) we'll take everyone's ideas and develop them into what we think works well for everyone. We'll run them by you guys before Thanksgiving in class or on another blog to make sure everyone approves. Thanks guys!


Anonymous said...

The purpose of the Images of Women website is to ultimately raise awareness about topics involving women and their perceptions in the media. Many times people are afraid of the unknown and remain ignorant of various subjects simply because nothing is talked about. This website, however, offers and open venue for one to feel free and respected regardless of background or opinion.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so this is a VERY rough draft of a mission statement for the website. Please give feedback about what you think should be changed, added, deleted, etc.. Thanks!

We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded by media in many forms such as advertisements, television shows, newspapers, magazines, and so much more. With this website project we hope to increase media literacy and help people realize how much their life is affected by the media they encounter every day. Through this website and the resources we have included, we aim to pass on the information we have collected about effectively reading the media especially its gendered messages. We feel that this is important because these messages affect our culture and our individual outlooks on the world, and often do this without us realizing it. With this site we hope to create a space where people can be themselves and learn about gender messages and representation in our society.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this website is to inform society on current and past issues dealing the images of women. Our goal is to also increse media literacy in today's world. We will do this by giving the means to analyze television shows, readings, advertisements, magazines, etc. The media forms and changes our peceptions and we are starting this website to bring attention as well as combat this notion.
P.S. I liked the rough draft of the mission statement as well!

Anonymous said...

Well, we are a class at Louisiana State University examining how media affects people, individually and in a society, with special interest in women. After explaining who we are, maybe a mission statement could look like this: Through our research and evaluation, we discovered the importance of being media literate due to the effects, usually harmful, of the images in the media, and how these images construct social norms. The purpose of this website is to communicate our findings and promote media literacy.
Then maybe a title could be along the lines of “Breaking Out” of the stereotype that is.

Anonymous said...

In the classroom, we have learned how to analyze the media and its effects on women and society as a whole. through this website we hope to teach you the importance of being media literate and how to distinguish between the truth and the lies that the media presents in its various forms. this website provides you insight and great advantage to be able to take caution of the media and its harmful effects.

(i feel like we should go along the lines of lanceya and zoe!)

Anonymous said...

I really like what everyone had to mission statement had to say, I definitely think we should start off by saying who we are and include some of the guidelines we established for our own class then branch off from there. This is just a little something I came up with: Our mission is to provide awareness about issues that face our society today, especially those dealing with different media sources, like tv shows, movies, music and politics, and how they portray women. We would like to provide the public with all the research, readings and ideas we have learned in order to educate others. In doing this we hope we can make a difference by helping people become more media literate as well as learning to interpret media messages that we encounter everyday.

Anonymous said...

The main purpose of this site is to turn a critical eye to the media and examine how women are imaged. And I think it's important we stress that a lot of the imaging is overlooked, either because it's very subtle or because people simply don't notice it, having been conditioned to accept ideas they aren't even aware of. Therefore we are not only showing the various ways women are imaged, but hopefully providing the tools of media literacy to others.

Anonymous said...

I think this website should help parents and students understand how to decode images in the media. This website should be a resource for teachers to find lesson plans or ways to incorporate media studies into their classroom. I think it is important to mention that media can be interpreted different ways and that your personal opinions should not be devalued if they are different from others. People consume tons of media every single day. Our goal is to teach society how to decode it so it will not have damaging effects.

Anonymous said...

Through this website and the resources we have included, we aim to pass on the information we have collected about effectively reading the media especially its gendered messages.

This is great but maybe we could say "effectively interpret the media" since a lot of it is visual and spoken.

Blake said...

The purpose of this website is to inform young girls how the media influences or constructs the perceptions women in general have about themselves and others. I agree with Xaviera, on the fact that our mission statement should state that our website is an open venue for one to feel free and respected regardless of background or opinion. Also, Jackie makes a good point. I do not know if we are going to have something on the website that states that we are college students attending LSU. However, I think this would be essential so our audience knows how our perceptions are influenced.

Anonymous said...

Rekesha G.
I believe the purpose of this course is to explore the various pathways women have been represented in the past and in the present through culture ideologies, stereotypical media references and community stigmas. It is not just looking at media, we also critically analyze underlying messages in response to the women's movement, political triumphs and adolescent growth. This class has no limits or boundaries in these topics because we try and gain as many perspectives on unacknowledged issues as possible. It is also not prejudice based on socio economic status, race, or ethnicity. We try and cover as many aspects of what it means to be a woman in America and how we are effected by that definition in our everyday lives.

Anonymous said...

I like the drafts of the mission statements and everyone's input. I think it is important to state who we are/where we are from (LSU). Maybe there could be a slightly shorter mission statement and then some bullets describes us????? Just a little input :)

Anonymous said...

I think it is very important for the visitors to know who we are, so they can get a better perspective on the content of our website. Something like: LSU, Images of Women in Popular Culture class, Fall 2008, taught by Professor Jennifer West.

I also like Rekesha’s description of our course.

It seems like everyone has great mission statements for the website!

Also, because the very essence of our class is neither simple nor brief, but involves complex, detailed thought, I don’t think we should worry about fitting the mission statement and the course description into a few brief statements; that is what the title is for. I do not see anything wrong with long mission statements and course descriptions if that is what we come up with!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the previous comment was me.

Anonymous said...

The mission of the site just like class is to make people women and young girls aware of the way women or being displayed and potrayed in media. We also want them to feel comfortable enough with themselves after learning this to be who they truly are as a person and not what they see on t.v. or what the media has made the social norm.

Anonymous said...

I think the mission statement should only be one or two sentences as mission statements normally are. I think another web link or section of the site should be a history of how this project came about. It could detail how we are a class, what we studied, how this class has impacted us. We could even have quotes from students in the class about how the class has impacted them and changed them.

I think our mission statement should include how we are trying to expose alternate ideologies (alternate gender and race) against the dominant ones (white and male). I also think it should include how women have been imaged or socialized in a way that includes two contradictory images (women should be sexy but pure virgins). We are trying to expose how to read between the lines.